Friday, June 17, 2005


Got the job! Sweet!

I'm in the office at the UW at the moment.. at my other job, that is. heh. Kalei came and took me out for lunch at Agua Verde.. newly one of my all time favorite grubberies. Beautiful fish tacos, and the location can't be beat (it's right down on Portage Bay by UW Fisheries.. they rent kayaks). Maybe next time I'll snag a couple photos.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Bit of a rough patch this week, I'm afraid.. I'm getting bogged down left and right, and a whole bunch of happenings are happening that I didn't expect and certainly don't understand. Friend trouble, that is - the passive kind, the worst. Not sure what to do, and I'm not too impressed either. Whatever happened to simple friendship? Kalei's making the rounds, but I'm in no rush to get involved. Nobody's been aggressive enough to involve me, anyways.

Dr. Sutton (my employer at the UW) has me doing some tricky qualitative analysis for the last two weeks, and I feel like a snail. You're supposed to be trained for this kind of thing. At least it's paid work, now.

On the bright side, Kalei and I had a wonderful weekend in Spokane with her sister Becki. It was all too short on a count of my Apple Store interview (yay!) on Monday, but staying with Beck is always fun. We wanted to go back on Wednesday to come back tomorrow, but again - work. Bah.

While there I snagged this:

The Biggest Little Town in America

I've been working on photography often lately. Probably because the trip to Hong Kong is looming on my horizon, and I'll soon have more chances for great shots than ever before. I hope my little point and shoot is up to the task.

Oooh! And tonight I'm going to see the new Batman. Hooray for the good things in life.

Friday, June 03, 2005

New Look, Busy-ness, Sasquatch Music, Arcade Fire

Long absence! Well, sort of...

If you've been here before, you may notice a couple differences - namely, I've completely redesigned the template. It's now a teensy bit more eye-catching, and far more useable, searchable, memorable, and flexible. The top bar looks great with almost any photo, which is sweet. I'd love for it to pull random photos from my Flickr photostream, or (even better) the huge Flickr photostream of Creative Commons-licensed shots. Maybe I could tie that with a couple tags to pull specifically themed photos? If any of you know how, please comment!!! I'll send you something nice.

Been sick the last week, which coupled with late late nights at SU means I'm rarely up before 12. Just this week, though.

My big news, though, is my trip with Kalei to the Sasquatch Music Festival at the Gorge last Saturday, where the line-up included: The Dears, Ray LaMontagne, The Arcade Fire, Bloc Party, Wilco, Modest Mouse, Kanye West, and Pixies. I was in Heaven. Unfortunately, the temp pushed 100, and with no shade and the most expensive food on the planet, Kalei quickly began to feel sun-stroked. We managed to see The Dears, Ray LaMontagne, Arcade Fire, and Wilco. For both Ray and Arcade Fire, though, we were just about in the front.

Ray played from his chill Trouble album - sort of a less-Southern Iron and Wine with a beautiful lullaby voice. Not so many people pressed forward to see him, so we had no problem getting to the front. Then. The Arcade Fire, and a massive press of people that filled the ground level attempting to get right where we were. Ha! And they were incredible! Hands-down, no question the most fun, most energetic band I have ever seen live. With quite a few members, who all seem able to play each others instruments, Arcade Fire had a gritty orchestral sound. You knew they were playing innacurately, that notes were missed and rhythms ignored, but they pulled it off with all their energy and the crowd ate it up. Beautiful. Do yourself a favor and buy their album, Funeral.

I'm no music or concert critic, so I'll shut up about that, but here are a couple pictures I managed to snap with my (contraband) digital camera from the front.

The Arcade Fire.. 3
The Arcade Fire... 2 The Arcade Fire

We saw Wilco from the grass, and gave up after that. Too damn hot.

I've spent the rest of this week getting stuff done for Sharon, and I've got an interview at the Apple Store (ha!) on Sunday morning. I've been home a month already, and that's shocking.

More soon.