Sunday, March 13, 2005

The Gates: An Experiment in Collective Memory

The Institute for the Future of the Book has created The Gates: An Experiment in Collective Memory - a collection of photos shot of the artwork collected on the Flickr Network. Flickr has over 7000 photographs of The Gates to date. According to the Institute:
Now that the Gates are gone, we begin the process of remembering them. But it is not just the objects themselves that we recall. It is what happened while they were here: the conversations, the crowds, the impromptu visits, the unexpected snow, the long ambling walks, and the various artifacts - photographs, sketches, films, swatches of fabric - that we amassed. Memories often begin with an image, and the Gates project is almost certainly among the most photographed works of art in history. So it is with images that we will begin.

To submit your photos, simply upload them to Flickr with the tag "gates memory" and they will be assembled with the other submissions.


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